Amidst the political unrest, cultural shifts, pandemic adaptations, and recent degenerative realities – an enlightening vision of commonality appears, providing a well overdue and inspiring appreciation for a assumed and thus taken for granted modality, Mobility.
Movement has been my solace during this past nearly half of a year adaptation to the governmental agencies scrambling and, individual responsibility to do the right thing, overshadowed by another dis-ease on the rise – entitlement without ownership oft driven by a slackening of moral and value compass.
Miles and miles a day with Calleigh’s nose to the ground (her hound genes in bliss), yoga on the deck and over the lake, golf, pickleball and hikes with our ‘inner circle’, as we socialize outdoors at a responsible social distance. Unbeknownst building internally for some time (were) stalagmites and worn away cushions yielding beyond labor like pain. Currently at bay, managed via medical intervention.
My inalienable right, the freedom to move nearly stripped away so echoes the Black Lives Matter movement, so resembles the virus. All unseen enemies with catastrophic consequences, like politicism (is that even a word or a condition??), my word to describe our (country’s) current political dysfunctional family.
Our ability to move as we choose metaphorically and physically beholds a new perspective toward healing, with it a commitment to strengthen our core, respect differences, turn limitations into strengths.
May we all move freely, responsibly, with ease and proactively, enjoying creation and contributing to the greater good, ’toward the mountain top, one step at a time’.
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain. ”