Responsibility, Accountability, Who’s in Charge?
Earlier this month I opened my heart to the writ page and shared at the Military service, his essence captured in 3 vignettes.
It started
“Once the names and details set with the sun, for a precious segment the ‘New Dad’ as I would refer to each morphing as these last 30 some odd years unfolded,– could link some words together like muscle memory, ones he could find at that particular moment leaving me glistening with pride, joy , making me feel so amazing. He gifted me with knowing how very much I was loved. ‘it’s the (as he stumbled to find the words) love, so good, always”.
Having struggled through the presidential debate last night, as Mike implored the moderator to mute the debates microphones, I was drawn to the second vignette.
“I could always go to my Dad to talk about things that hurt my heart or troubled me. He always took the time to have these kinds of conversations. At a young age he shared with me as I wondered why no one gave me a curfew or set limits – he responded ‘ Lisa, in this life you… you can do anything you want – and with that you need to face, to deal with the consequences ‘. Responsibility for one’s own actions, so eloquently put. Something our world today could benefit from.”
At the Ethics in the Workplace board meeting yesterday we brainstormed as to what is the greatest impact we could have through programing, in these volatile, divisive, politically disrespectful times. One member’s idea ‘What accountability do companies have toward their employee’s mental state once they return home?’. I cringed. I’m certain no one noticed my two square inch cube displayed on their computer on Microsoft Meetings.
Remembering a journaled personal challenge of creating the firmament for the healing between the political fissure in our family, and daily wrestling with how to mend, like darning socks whose years of journeys metaphorically spread ignorance regarding perspectives on travelling through the pandemic, to hear yet another utterance reflecting individual responsibility absent from being accountable, left me nauseous, similar to the same visceral reaction from watching our leaders battle in front of 29 million viewers, projected for the world to see. Discourse like dysfunctional children rather than use the forum as an opportunity to role model the path to uniting our country, with dignity and respect.
Some are guilty, all are responsible. Where is the balance? How do we listen without prejudice or this incessant need to prove our opinion, our stance, by negating those rights in others? We all grasp to site proof points from reference materials without acknowledging that every fact is recorded through subjective eyes.
On this day, after I have atoned, and asked for forgiveness from anyone I have transgressed against, willingly or unwillingly, the best I can do at this very moment, is pray. May healing begin. May we reach deeply with-in to find and manifest with dignity the precious essence of humanity as we are stewards on this planet – of humankind.
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.””