Opening the door of ignorance
As a cold front swept in and I covered the babies (vegetables), protection from this June 1st’s forty degree low, the brisk realization and categorization appeared: I am a conceptualist. Anything requiring memorization was foreign to me and I disregarded its value. This catches up with me now, as I have of recent years indulged a morning ritual of sipping coffee and unraveling the solution to blank squares in a crossword puzzle – slightly more challenging due to the avoidance of effort and lack of respect for the importance of spelling since childhood.
The argumentative passions of the politicized media are echoed as Father and Son stand as rivals in their disbelief at oppositional parties. They so resemble each other while manifesting in unrecognizable ways. My stance is that both miss the bigger picture, aggravated from the thorn’s bloodletting as some pierce beyond the raised welted scratches. How dare I even feel worthy of a stance having abhorred the ostriches of the world, as I allowed my conceptualist elitism made it ok to be ignorant.
These times we are navigating through, this global pandemic is monopolized by media and politicized facets further exploiting and solidifying the chasms rather than uniting the divides. As healing starts with recognition of one’s self, (a basic tenant essential to connecting with another), the shoe-maker’s daughter must begin by looking at her soul.
As does the wisdom and serendipity the universe provides, I accepted the invitation of pulling my head out of the sand, and through a babe’s unyielding curious eyes, found myself sitting with family (including three dogs), watching a zoom podcast hosted by the National Constitution Center of Philadelphia.
What were we (as a country) based on? How far have we wandered allowing our perceptions of what our inalienable rights are to justify this distention from the Constitution and our moral compass?
Now, on my cozy rocker’s end table sits a loaned copy of George Will’s The Conservative Sensibility to initiate my corrected course toward enlightenment, understanding, and grounding - a step toward listening to all sides without disparaging judgement. Perhaps as we look within at our own prejudice we can open the door to mitigate the vacuum that living in ignorance has provoked. Refrain from rote acceptance of explosive and fear rallied out-pours, and allow for a conscientious and reserved filtration, You are called upon in stride to re-unite and heal.
“There is no such thing as achieved liberty; like electricity, there can be no substantial storage and it must be generated as it is enjoyed, or the lights go out.”