Persistence – makes the impossible, Possible.
What a brisk glorious fall day – we tested and moved the snow blower into position, tarped the deck furniture, put the pumpkins away, and hung up the wreath. Sitting by the fire, face windburned and knowing I had an early morning meeting, I decided to reach out to a candidate that my client e-mailed me about earlier this Sunday. ‘Her resume showed up on my desk’, my client requested that I speak with, and perhaps carve out the time to interview the candidate this Tuesday, while I am on-site.
The naked truth is that all the edits, rewrites, and reworks of a resume that an applicant wrestles with, hoping to land an interview – can literally be decided in seconds. Her resume would have otherwise been rejected under those criteria, lost among hundreds of other resumes.
It was her re-purposed method and persistence that gave me pause. When I asked how she got her resume onto the owner’s desk, she described her technique -walking into all the offices in a few block area after an interview. This reminded me of the old-fashioned Kirby salesperson, an art that has faded away with modernized advertising and distribution methods including the internet. She not only went on an interview - but took it to another level and 'persisted' in marketing herself by seeking out other opportunities. Result: We are interviewing her tomorrow because she demonstrated one of the essential skills we are seeking in the position - a ‘get it done’ attitude. We are looking for a trail blazer.
The football game is on in our home, three generations gazing. The commercials grab my attention. As I looked up from my computer, Jason Witten of the Dallas Cowboys was speaking his truth about the game, the team, and his success. He attributed it to perseverance and execution. In case I didn’t appreciate the learning from the conversation earlier, it was being reinforced on the television.
As these concepts echo silently in the room, I am reminded of a Sales Training I wrote and delivered for ADP - the essence was to “Be Bold”, know your value wedge, accentuate your unique proposition’ to differentiate you from the competition, and close the deal.
Think back to a time that you initiated or bared witness to a door that you thought was closed, perhaps locked because of perceived lack of funds, skills, or resources. Can you remember the amazing shift when it opened? If you haven't ever experienced this miraculous moment, perhaps you have been envious of another who has. Might it have been because they seem to have the magic ability to land on their feet, no matter what?. You might utter that they are 'lucky', but in doing so consider what that self talk could lead to - perhaps, give you a reason to not try.
Making the impossible possible, is Possible. Be bold, have faith, allow your authentic self to be viable, and be persistent in an unexpected way.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”