What you Put Out, Returns
Rather than being acutely focused on the utterances of others, reflect on your own with keen eyes and for the moment, using the same judgement.
We have friends who go to Florida for a month or more as a means of “getting away” from the darkness, chill, and restriction of activity they experience in Pennsylvania during January or February. Over the past year (more than previously) we, or shall I assume greater responsibility and say I, have internally and externally vocalized enjoying the seasons, and couldn’t possibly see us going to FL for longer than a week as part of our ritual visit to my husband’s Mother twice a year. “No way could I handle it, nor would I want to”.
Home is Mike, Calleigh (our furry pup) and me. Home in the mountains is what we always look forward to coming to or returning to. It is our grounding, our sanctuary, our welcomed time of solitude, or energized “working the land”, or party and play with our family, neighbors and friends. Whether entertaining or simply listening to the birds and watching the deer, it is our respite.
Fast forward, almost three weeks ago and here we are, still in Florida having come down to make certain my Mother-in-law is set up with proper resources, and strength to continue her independence, having had a serious surgical procedure a month ago.
Were my intentions of what I don’t want flown forth in the universe rebounded as a cosmic revelation of our fortitude and strength? Perhaps karma’s humor at its best, ‘You said you wouldn’t want to be there for more than a few days. Ha-ha’!
The closer I pay attention, the more I see it echoed with different manifestations:
Complaints to myself ‘It’s too hot down there’ are suddenly abound as we have record high temperatures in Florida for March – in the 90s!!!!
‘It’s time to scale the business down, move from a hectic grind to a more mindful awareness’ has this now been taken to the Nth degree as my clients shut down and suspend services, perhaps indefinitely?
Aahh - awareness. A time to consider and re-consider my thoughts and what I vocalize, even silently. Shall I think twice prior to sighing when joints get stiff from having sat too long? What of articulating my impatience with a roll of my eyes, or hovering awaiting someone else’s action not aligning with my timetable. Perhaps rigidity attracts more frustration and actively resists achieving patience.
“Honor thy error as a hidden intention.”
I encourage you to reflect back on this week and take inventory of your output. What a wonderful time to take stock, and begin each day with new eyes…