Walk the Line?
We’ve passed this mini billboard each time we cross the railroad tracks en route up the mountain and headed home. Dolly, Kenny, Elvis - a spotlight of those here, and some gone – and each time I shake my head “No”, no because we’ve seen the real deals – Elton, Tom Petty, James Taylor, in recent years. The list goes on. But when Mike, my ‘Man in Black’, preferring to go under the radar, mentioned “THE” Man in Black’s impersonator was going to be preforming at the Alburtis Tavern on the eve of his birthday, I had to succumb.
As is true with any rigid stance, humbly I share: We were blown away! The voice, mannerisms, and looks took us back to a time, like muscle memory – it all felt so real. I turned to Mike whispering my anticipation and hopes for one specific song originally written and performed by Trent Reznor of “Tool”, the title of which is felt as we continue to wrestle with addiction in our society – “Hurt”. (I’ll try to post a clip of Philip Bauer, aka Johnny Cash, so you can see what I mean.)
The entire revisiting of my aversion to impersonators brought into focus and thought a concept I have shared with my kids and others as motivation, manifest - Why??? - because it may very well be considered the antithesis of ‘the real deal’, behaving with integrity and being genuine. “Fake it until you make it.”
Last Friday morning, Empower2Achive was invited to present to LVP, “Conversations from the Other Side”, an uncensored Q&A about how decisions are made, and perspectives from the hiring side of the equation. One of the learning objectives was “To be true to your authentic self”. Yet, as a motivator for those doubting their ability to jump to the next level – I beseech ‘just play the role, be the part, think and then act, as though you are there’. This can be applied to any situation that you know you can do, but have never been considered for, or viewed as a potential solution. ‘Fake it until you make it’ juxtaposition ‘act with integrity’. Somehow, they seem to be diabolically opposed. Somehow, my aversion to impersonators, and then tears streaming down my eyes as ‘Johnny Cash’ sang “Hurt” just 15 feet in front of me, makes me reconsider my stand. Are both being true to your authentic self?
Here, I Walk the Line. Not ‘because your mine’, but because I would not be here if I did not walk both sides of this line.
And so, I ask you to kindly present your perspectives, with intention to lend toward resolve. (Please reply to the blog, or e mail me lisa@empower2achieve.com)
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. ”