Right Under Your Nose - A Rotarian Breakfast
I’ve mindlessly passed this non-descript street corner, perhaps daily, over the past twelve years. Once four years ago I noticed a new blue and yellow sign brightening the corner, an old legacy company and staple to the community for decades no longer there. I often thought ‘nice name, sounds familiar’, and pondered no further. It never ceases to amaze me that we hold a definition of who we are – seeking out experiences and people with similar values toward a vision, and somehow are so directionally focused that when it is literally under our nose, we miss it. We instead are drawn to a belief that ‘home’ to our true selves is linked beyond our own yard. Much like Calleigh flying down the stairs running through the woods and racing back though her doggie door searching, not realizing that the very same ball she seeks is under her blanket, where she was just lying prior to the search.
My body was singing out to rest, on the verge of allowing dis-ease to manifest, yet I pushed through to go to a Rotary meeting. Our breakfast this week was at that facility, and the program was a guided tour. Why was my curiosity about that brick building with the back lit sign awakened now?
Out of respect for our ‘tour guide’ aka CEO’s confidentiality preference (an extension of their truly altruistic culture – investing and caring about their employees – with action, not just words, such as creating a perpetual trust and legacy) I will not identify the name, corner, or very cool world-class end products and internal state-of-the-art facilities and tools, all toward setting up their employees for success, integrating the personal and the professional, living the vision.
At some point as our cozy group of fifty got a true taste of the celebration of uniqueness, individuality, commitment to change, recognition and appreciation that innovative marketing and the right people gets you there, compassion for the whole – ‘work it out with us’ approach to personal challenges, nap rooms and job titles which speak to true roles and contributions, I looked into the tour guides eyes, and simply conveyed my amazement that everything I aspire to share with my clients, was before me, right in my own backyard. “I am in Heaven”. The Continuous Improvement mind set, reinventing ourselves daily, collaborative efforts, created all this. THIS IS what I want for my clients. “I would love to point here, as an example.’ My eyes seeking permission, my fellow Rotarians all waiting patiently to express their gratitude as well. His pride in the team was effervescent, he inspired and energized all in the room, consistently sharing accolades and giving credit outside himself, ever so humble, a true Rotarian - service above self, giving back to the community.
On our way home Mike so brightened by the visit was now entertaining the desire to work there even though he is retired, shared that he wished a company like that existed when he was younger. He then negated the comment, perhaps questioning why they would want him, what could he contribute to such an incredible entity. I jump in “Of course they would want you, it could have been a perfect fit. They groom from with-in. They don’t hire based on what you know or what you did, they do so based on your potential – they will train you, no need to be limited by what was”.
Here we are again – the theme coming to life and appearing – Mindfulness. A familiar thread though the stories I weave, journeys we walk, inspirations toward action. Resonating still – not to be limited by what was.
All is with-in reach. Embrace possibility. Invite the beauty and affirmations for others to value the unique seeds at the core of who they are, and provide the vision and perhaps tools, for them to sow.
Heaven is exactly where you are.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ”