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Delegating: Leadership and Love

Pretty funny that as I am physically and emotionally becoming my best self to enter a procedure with positivity, my monthly newsletter selections reflect the same message.  I really thought I would have spent time journaling my adoration, pride, and abundance of gratitude to my kids, husband, loved ones – however the forever recovering ‘Type A’ in me has decided to take care of details instead.  Perhaps the damp cooler day has placed me in a mindset to focus on tasks externally, while internally – I exude love and appreciation, gratefulness, and bliss.  I trust God (/the universe) has surrounded my dear ones (even the atheists) with my intent.

A business partner reached out earlier inquiring if I had any sage thoughts or perspectives on the subject of delegating as a manager.  I laughed and manually texted a response something like

‘of the plethora of materials and focus of coaching, it is (when done right)  the quintessential component of ‘raising’ leaders – key in succession planning.’ 

Mike continuously asks what can he do to help me prepare, make the house ready, be there for me? Patiently providing space as I move into task mode.   What he doesn’t realize, is that he already has.  He is my ‘strength and stay’ – a phrase I shall borrow from Queen Elizabeth.

I just realized that I have come along way.  Trusting those held so dear in my heart, and as reiterated again a few paragraphs ago, of God to wrap those infinite arms around my family. I do not have to complete anything else, for them to know. It is so, they already do.

At a simplest level, delegating is about trust. Trust in others, trust in yourself, trust in what is, and a letting go to allow the best to un-fold.